

*** PRIVATE TUITION *** *** Notice for Teachers *** *** Regular Class Begins ***

About School

Welcome to


Jalchatra Adventist Seminary & School (Residential and nonresidential), founded in 2008, is a Bangla Medium (Co-educational) School which is established and administered by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church of Bangladesh. It’s a sister institution of World-wide Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Its educational standard is maintained by Adventist Accrediting Association (AAA), MD, USA.

Seventh-Day Adventist Church Education Department pioneered to bring quality education to the remotest regions of the world. Four decades long served the local children with excellent education and has looked after the educational requirements of the needy. The present Bangla medium school came into existence to address the demands of the times. The aim is to give quality education with affordability so that students can prepare themselves for the requirements of a future that we can foresee as a far more challenging o ne. The preparations to open the Bangla Medium School started in 2008. On January 2008, the School open edits premises for the students for the first time. During the first year, our School started with KG - 3. Class 4 in 2009, class 5 in 2010 and in 2023  section commenced.


Aim of the Institution

The aim of the Institution is to impart sound value-based education by  the students’ habits of Piety, Virtue, Discipline and Self-reliance during the years of their studies, thus enabling them to be dutiful members of the  and useful citizens of our motherland –Bangladesh. It offers not only professional qualification but also a holistic human education, the possibility of building up their life based on Christian principles of justice and charity. It aims at the integral and social growth of the students, by bringing them to an  with their cultural, humanistic and technical heritage. It functions in the light of the Christian concept of life centered on the teaching of Jesus Christ. It is based on Reason, Religion and Loving Kindness. We seek to form the youth, through education, into persons of character, competence, conscience, compassion and commitment who will foster uprightness in public life.

Religious Instruction:

Being a Christian institution the classes of Christian Doctrine (Adventism) arecompulsory for Christian students. All other students must attend classes ofMoral Science/ Values and rules of conduct and daily living. A student must striveto attain qualities of mind and heart and integrate into one’s life virtuessuch as honesty, sincerity, piety, compassion, generosity, love for nature andself-reliance.


Special attention is given to ensure a high standard of morality and disciplinein the school. Guardians are requested to collaborate in this with the SchoolAuthorities by insisting on regular attendance and punctuality of wards.

Course of Studies

Jalchatra Adventist Seminary & School, follows the NCTB Curriculum.


The student’spersonality, initiative and originality are given full scope in creativecurricular and co- curricular activities and by involvement and participationin groups and movements, sports and games.

Social Commitment:

Jalchatra Adventist Seminary & School aims at contribution to the buildingup of a more just and humane society by promotion of systematic socialeducation of the students. Social service projects form an integral part of theschool curriculum.

Vision and mission

Jalchatra Adventist Seminary & School offers the students not onlyprofessional qualification but also a holistic human education, the possibilityof building up their life based on Christian principles of justice and charity.It aims at the integral and social growth of the students, by bringing them toan encounter with their cultural, humanistic and technical heritage. Itfunctions in the light of the Christian concept of life centered on theteaching of Jesus Christ.

The method of education followed in the school is the Preventive System taughtand practiced by Seventh-Day Adventist Church. It is based on Reason, Religionand Loving Kindness. We seek to form the youth, through education, into personsof character, competence, conscience, compassion and commitment who will fosteruprightness in public life.

Religious Instruction:

Being a Christian institution the classes of Christian Doctrine (Adventism) arecompulsory for Christian students. All other students must attend classes ofMoral Science/ Values and rules of conduct and daily living. A student muststrive to attain qualities of mind and heart and integrate into one’s lifevirtues such as honesty, sincerity, piety, compassion, generosity, love fornature and self-reliance.

Discipline: Special attention is given to ensure a high standard of moralityand discipline in the school. Guardians are requested to collaborate in thiswith the School Authorities by insisting on regular attendance and punctualityof wards.


Jalchatra Adventist Seminary & School, follows the NCTB Curriculum.


The student’spersonality, initiative and originality are given full scope in creativecurricular and co- curricular activities and by involvement and participationin groups and movements, sports and games.


Opportunities are provided to the students of the school to participate invarious co-curricular activities organized in the local, regional, national andinternational level. We will be commencing various Club Activities for theoverall growth of the children. Clubs such as Sports club, Nature club, SocialService club, Scouts Movement, Music club, Arts club, Quiz club, Drama club etc.will provide our children with such opportunities for initiatives andcreativity. Educational tours, visit to historical places, seminars andcolloquiums, animation programs are organized from time to time. Children areencouraged to participate in outreach programs which create socialconsciousness among them.


• Applications for admissions are accepted from students of all faiths.However, Christians are given preference. Christian students must produce aBaptism Certificate or Church Pastor Recommendation Letter.

• Parents are asked to fill in the Application Admission Forms with the utmostaccuracy. No subsequent changes will be permitted. The school does not acceptaffidavits to change the date of birth already entered officially.

• A candidate who has attended a recognized school may be admitted only with aTransfer Certificate from the school he/she has last attended.

• New Candidates must be introduced personally to the principal by the one whowill be responsible for his/her conduct and the payment of fees. They will beexamined on the syllabus of the class immediately below that to which they seekadmission.

• The Rector/Principal is the final authority in granting admissions and hisdecision is final and binding on all.


• The School fees cover twelve calendar months and may be paid in monthlyinstallments or in advance. No reduction is made for holidays or brokenperiods. Students are liable to be charged full fess as long as their names areofficially on the rolls. Fees once paid will not be refunded.

• The fees, if paid monthly, must be paid on or before the due date (20th ofthe month). Due dates are clearly indicated in the school calendar.

• Fees for the holiday months must be paid in advance before the school closes.All dues must be paid before the school year ends.

• The school reserves the right to increase the fees at any time of the year ifan increment is considered necessary.

• Payment of Fees: Parents must pay the school fees before 20th of every month.School fee must be paid in the School office fee counter.


Class hours: 8:00 am – 12:30 pm

Office hours: the principal can be interviewed from 10:00 am to 11:30 am or anyother time by prior appointment.

No school business transacted on holidays, Friday and Saturday or duringvacations.


As a policy the school forbids all private tuitions, as the pupil should beable to progress in his/her work as a result of good reaching.

Private tuitions are not to be taken by Jalchatra Adventist Seminary &School Teachers, since that will interfere with the proper execution of theirschool duties, including the preparations of lessons at home and the correctionof exercises. A student who takes tuition from his/her own teacher may bedismissed from school.

Adventist Schools across the world is known for excellence in Education,preparing children to face the world through character formation and strictdiscipline. It’s a home where importance is given to developing correct valuesystem and a sense of the sacred. Group activities are encouraged whereinchildren acquire community feeling and social responsibility. It promotescultural and Christian values in equipping our children to become responsiblecitizens.