The JalchatraAdventist Seminary and School is a mini boarding school in the north Bangladeshmission of Bangladesh. Almost one hundred ninety-plus students in the boardingschool are studying in a good environment and many facilities. Once a month,many kinds of seminars and events are running day after day. The students arevery creative and punctual in the activities.
The AdventistsAdventure days were memorable for the student’s life. They are verynurturing of their physical, mental, and Spiritual well-being. They were veryinterested in them.
In the running month,we have a good occasion for observing the “Adventure day” by little children.They have done good performances and had many kinds of activities on that day.they have done drilling and marching with the trumpet sound and made abeautiful line. On the side were Girls and Boys. The event made them happy byshowing their talent for the Almighty Father.